Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy 5th Birthday Mary Catherine!
Mary Catherine is growing up. Her party this year was at Fun Day Go. Instead of gifts for her she asked her friends to bring gifts for the Children of Honduras. We have over 60 gifts to ship to them. Mary Catherine has such a beautiful heart. She and her buddies had such a good time jumping and playing.
Lessons Learned by the Mother of a Five Year Old!
Well, believe it or not...we did it...we kept Mary Catherine alive for five years! To think there were those who doubted my ability to be the "domestic godess" for which I have become....Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, so I am not Martha Stewart but there is still time. I can't believe it has been five years since that cold December day. Mary Catherine was a blessing to us from God and she still is to this day. We have learned so much, experienced so many things, done things we never thought possible, felt things we never knew we had in is to many, many more Happy Birthdays for our little Pumpkin! Below are the lessons I have learned so far...ENJOY!
Kids do not know the difference in "Scratch" and bought at "Walmart"! When you think the stomach virus has to be is just getting started. There are about 5 different things that are normally wrong with a child when you go to the doctor...Cold, Ear Infection, Strep, Stomach Virus and alergic reactions. You will get medicine for Ear infections and Strep...The rest of the illnesses the docs will tell you to get over the counter meds. Fever is not a bad thing...The doctors will check the kids throats and ears and if it isn't red or infected, they are going to send you home. Give Tylenol and Motrin- Same instructions for 5 years now. Ear tubes are not as bad as everyone says...they actually work too. When kids are quiet...they are into something they shouldn't be. Don't hand a child anything that you want to have in the future. Children will put small things in places you didn't think they could. Children like to put things in thier noses.
Teach your child to blow their noses ASAP. Don't call medicine "Medicine"--it is something about that word! Get kids off the bottle at 1 year...the longer you let them have it..the longer they will want it. You will do some things like your it or not. Favorite Phrase..."We will see". Prepare yourself for the four year old can not even imagion! No's come in 3's. NO! NO! NO! Follow through with your promises. Develop a reward behavior chart. Don't say anything around a three year old you don't want repeated in public. They will not starve and they will eat when they get hungry. Read everything you can to them. Talk to your child and use your normal voice. Listen to your child. Get down on their level for discipline. Deal with issues not put them off for more than 5 minutes. "My tummy hurts" is code for I am about to throw up on you....get a trash can immediately. When a child says they have to go to the bathroom...go immediately. Dicipline requires creativity when they reach four. The same form discipline is not going to work for every incident. Know what makes your child tick....what they LOVE, dislike and want. In the back of the car carry- 409, extra change of clothes for you and each child, Lysol, paper towels, an extra bottle, a bottle of water, a bottle of juice, a blanket, extra diapers and extra wipes. McLaurin Techno XT strollers totally rock! Give your child's teachers a thank you gift at the end of the year and any opportunity inbetween. Teach your child their name, address, phone number, your name and cell numbers ASAP. If you are going out, don't let your husband pick out the children's clothing. Let kids pick out their own clothes on days only when you are staying home. Write it down or you will forget it. Grosery shopping is a nightmare regardless of what the Supernanny says. It is okay for them to get dirty. You are going to have to let them cry it out before they will sleep through the night. It is okay for children to cry sometimes. You have to let them learn their own lessons sometimes. Only Mothers can put things in the trash can. When you teach them to take off their clothes...keep in mind they will. Children have no concept of time. Baby Gas Medicine is not toxic and doesn't have a child proof top. Babys will not break and they will let you know when they are hungry or need you. You will want to change your name at times ( various reasons..embarrassment, tired of being needed, etc) . They always have to go to the bathroom when you get in a crowd of people, on the interstate or in an assembly (Disney world, church, etc) Try to make them go before you get there. This doesn't mean they will not have to go again in 5 minutes. They play this game where they go to the bathroom but don't go all the way so that as soon as you leave the bathroom, they have to go again. No matter where you are or when you are soon as the food gets to the table...they are going to have to go to the bathroom. You will become a local restaurant bathroom will spend more time in them than you could ever imagion. You will not eat hot food until your children go off to college. Children are facinated with Women's chest. They will put their hands down your shirt and flash you to the public in a heart beat. You will learn all the words to the kids Cartoons and Disney movies...liking them is not a requirement. When your child tells you they are someone or something...that means they "ARE" that person or thing...that means you are suppose to call them this, treat them as such and you most likely are not who you think you are either. You will not be on time....Just accept it and move on. For your sanity learn to "Zone"...if you are a Mother you know what this is...if you aren't don't will learn soon enough. Dad's are not allowed to Zone. Take your Children to church...they will develop such good character and beliefs. You will learn to love warm up suits. Small bottles of Juice travel better than large ones. Things you need to travel with you...Crayons, lap table, coloring book, small toys, earphones and blanket. Cherios are from God! Start kids eating Veggies early and they will love them as they get older. Hamsters are RATS (no explaination needed)! Rabbits are not the best idea as pets. Teach your child their body parts. Use correct names of things with your kids. Answer your children's difficult questions...however, tell them simply and only tell them what they need to know. DVD's in the car are one of the worlds greatest inventions. Wipe warmers are a racket. DROP IN Bottle system is awesome. You don't need all the "STUFF" they say you "NEED". Until they are 2 they like the boxes, paper and bows best! 11 month olds do not do well at the movies. Know that every other Mother has the same things happening at their house. There are a world of children who were raised on Formula...they are all perfectly normal! Take pictures...they grow up sooooo fast! Soft Scrub will take perminant marker off of hardwood floors. Soft scrub has also been known to take perminant pen off of children and their furnishings. Kids ask you the most difficult questions when you are driving down the road. Be prepared! Pray daily!
Kids do not know the difference in "Scratch" and bought at "Walmart"! When you think the stomach virus has to be is just getting started. There are about 5 different things that are normally wrong with a child when you go to the doctor...Cold, Ear Infection, Strep, Stomach Virus and alergic reactions. You will get medicine for Ear infections and Strep...The rest of the illnesses the docs will tell you to get over the counter meds. Fever is not a bad thing...The doctors will check the kids throats and ears and if it isn't red or infected, they are going to send you home. Give Tylenol and Motrin- Same instructions for 5 years now. Ear tubes are not as bad as everyone says...they actually work too. When kids are quiet...they are into something they shouldn't be. Don't hand a child anything that you want to have in the future. Children will put small things in places you didn't think they could. Children like to put things in thier noses.
Teach your child to blow their noses ASAP. Don't call medicine "Medicine"--it is something about that word! Get kids off the bottle at 1 year...the longer you let them have it..the longer they will want it. You will do some things like your it or not. Favorite Phrase..."We will see". Prepare yourself for the four year old can not even imagion! No's come in 3's. NO! NO! NO! Follow through with your promises. Develop a reward behavior chart. Don't say anything around a three year old you don't want repeated in public. They will not starve and they will eat when they get hungry. Read everything you can to them. Talk to your child and use your normal voice. Listen to your child. Get down on their level for discipline. Deal with issues not put them off for more than 5 minutes. "My tummy hurts" is code for I am about to throw up on you....get a trash can immediately. When a child says they have to go to the bathroom...go immediately. Dicipline requires creativity when they reach four. The same form discipline is not going to work for every incident. Know what makes your child tick....what they LOVE, dislike and want. In the back of the car carry- 409, extra change of clothes for you and each child, Lysol, paper towels, an extra bottle, a bottle of water, a bottle of juice, a blanket, extra diapers and extra wipes. McLaurin Techno XT strollers totally rock! Give your child's teachers a thank you gift at the end of the year and any opportunity inbetween. Teach your child their name, address, phone number, your name and cell numbers ASAP. If you are going out, don't let your husband pick out the children's clothing. Let kids pick out their own clothes on days only when you are staying home. Write it down or you will forget it. Grosery shopping is a nightmare regardless of what the Supernanny says. It is okay for them to get dirty. You are going to have to let them cry it out before they will sleep through the night. It is okay for children to cry sometimes. You have to let them learn their own lessons sometimes. Only Mothers can put things in the trash can. When you teach them to take off their clothes...keep in mind they will. Children have no concept of time. Baby Gas Medicine is not toxic and doesn't have a child proof top. Babys will not break and they will let you know when they are hungry or need you. You will want to change your name at times ( various reasons..embarrassment, tired of being needed, etc) . They always have to go to the bathroom when you get in a crowd of people, on the interstate or in an assembly (Disney world, church, etc) Try to make them go before you get there. This doesn't mean they will not have to go again in 5 minutes. They play this game where they go to the bathroom but don't go all the way so that as soon as you leave the bathroom, they have to go again. No matter where you are or when you are soon as the food gets to the table...they are going to have to go to the bathroom. You will become a local restaurant bathroom will spend more time in them than you could ever imagion. You will not eat hot food until your children go off to college. Children are facinated with Women's chest. They will put their hands down your shirt and flash you to the public in a heart beat. You will learn all the words to the kids Cartoons and Disney movies...liking them is not a requirement. When your child tells you they are someone or something...that means they "ARE" that person or thing...that means you are suppose to call them this, treat them as such and you most likely are not who you think you are either. You will not be on time....Just accept it and move on. For your sanity learn to "Zone"...if you are a Mother you know what this is...if you aren't don't will learn soon enough. Dad's are not allowed to Zone. Take your Children to church...they will develop such good character and beliefs. You will learn to love warm up suits. Small bottles of Juice travel better than large ones. Things you need to travel with you...Crayons, lap table, coloring book, small toys, earphones and blanket. Cherios are from God! Start kids eating Veggies early and they will love them as they get older. Hamsters are RATS (no explaination needed)! Rabbits are not the best idea as pets. Teach your child their body parts. Use correct names of things with your kids. Answer your children's difficult questions...however, tell them simply and only tell them what they need to know. DVD's in the car are one of the worlds greatest inventions. Wipe warmers are a racket. DROP IN Bottle system is awesome. You don't need all the "STUFF" they say you "NEED". Until they are 2 they like the boxes, paper and bows best! 11 month olds do not do well at the movies. Know that every other Mother has the same things happening at their house. There are a world of children who were raised on Formula...they are all perfectly normal! Take pictures...they grow up sooooo fast! Soft Scrub will take perminant marker off of hardwood floors. Soft scrub has also been known to take perminant pen off of children and their furnishings. Kids ask you the most difficult questions when you are driving down the road. Be prepared! Pray daily!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
An elf & an Angel
The christmas play at All Saints was just precious. Mary Catherine's class dressed and performed the nativity. Mary Catherine was an angel. They recited the following: If I were a shepard, I would give him a sheep, if I were a wiseman, i would give him gold, but what shall I give him..I'll give him my heart. they sang Away In A Manger and Jolly Ole Saint Nicholas. It was a good program. Joining us was GaGa, Sissy, Wills, Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay Vinson. Once the program was over, school dismissed for the holidays. Mary Catherine headed on to Charleston with Meme and Mel on Wednesday afternoon to visit with Kevin's family down there.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Today the entire 4 K at All Saints went to the Pumpkin Patch at College Park Methodist Church. Each child got to pick out a special pumkin to take back to school to decorate. Mary Catherine and her friend Briana Filyah enjoyed having Mrs. Wyche ride with us. They learned all about pumpkins and how they grow. What a great field trip!
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