Thursday, November 21, 2002

Month Seven- Physical Therapy

Okay-We are now in physical therapy for siatic pain. The first week in October Kevin told the doctors that they were going to have to do something for me and relieve the pain. They agreed to try physical therapy. Finally, after two weeks of therapy, I can walk. I am feeling so much better. The pain is still there but it is now just a dull pain that I can live with. I seriously thought I was going to die last month. I have actually felt like going outside for the first time in 7 months. I almost forgot what the outdoors was like. I have been walking to Mom's and to check on the horses few times each day. I finally had a craving...Birthday cake and bread sticks from Olive Garden. It was nice to have something normal. At the end of October and first of November, I spent some time Christmas shopping and working on the nursery. The nausea is not gone completely but as long as I take the Zofran, I can make it throught the day. We are now ordering it in a 3 month supply. I take 4 per day. I haven't lost anymore weight. My weight is holding steady. I drink alot of water. I am actually looking like a pregnant person for the first time. Prior to this point, I really didn't look PG. This has been the best month of the pregnancy so far. Kevin has taken a job in Hilton Head with Cherry Beakert & Holland as a CPA. He is living in a condo down there all week and comming home on the weekends. We have our house on the market. I hope it gets sold soon so that I can get moved as soon as the baby gets here. We will be spending Thanksgiving in Charleston this year.