Sunday, June 26, 2005

Where Do Babies Come From????

While I was at my Meme's in Charleston this last week, I decided that I have a baby sister. When my Meme would introduce me to people I would tell them about my baby sister. They would say, "where is your sister?" I told them the baby was at home in Florence. They would reply "Oh really? " They wanted to know what the baby did and I told them it cryed alot and that I had to feed it candy and a bottle. They wanted to know the baby's name and I told them Ella. When I got home from Meme's I couldn't find the baby. I had daddy help me search the house. He and I decided it must be at Gaga's. When I went over to Gaga's and it wasn't there, we decided it had to be at Sissy's. Mommy wanted to know where this baby came from and I told her the same place everything else comes from. . . Walmart. She seemed a bit concerned that I thought babies came from Walmart. She sat down with me and we talked about how babies are a gift from God and when God decides to send us another baby we will have one. We talked about that when we say our prayers we need to ask God that if it is his will that he send us a baby. I really want a sister...not just a baby. My mommy says that God will have to decide that. I am makeing sure that every night for the last 2 weeks I have asked God specifically for a baby sister. My friends Robbie Jordan and Murphy Fulmer have one and I want one too.