Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy 5th Birthday Mary Catherine!
Lessons Learned by the Mother of a Five Year Old!
Well, believe it or not...we did it...we kept Mary Catherine alive for five years! To think there were those who doubted my ability to be the "domestic godess" for which I have become....Ha! Ha! Ha! Okay, so I am not Martha Stewart but there is still time. I can't believe it has been five years since that cold December day. Mary Catherine was a blessing to us from God and she still is to this day. We have learned so much, experienced so many things, done things we never thought possible, felt things we never knew we had in is to many, many more Happy Birthdays for our little Pumpkin! Below are the lessons I have learned so far...ENJOY!
Kids do not know the difference in "Scratch" and bought at "Walmart"! When you think the stomach virus has to be is just getting started. There are about 5 different things that are normally wrong with a child when you go to the doctor...Cold, Ear Infection, Strep, Stomach Virus and alergic reactions. You will get medicine for Ear infections and Strep...The rest of the illnesses the docs will tell you to get over the counter meds. Fever is not a bad thing...The doctors will check the kids throats and ears and if it isn't red or infected, they are going to send you home. Give Tylenol and Motrin- Same instructions for 5 years now. Ear tubes are not as bad as everyone says...they actually work too. When kids are quiet...they are into something they shouldn't be. Don't hand a child anything that you want to have in the future. Children will put small things in places you didn't think they could. Children like to put things in thier noses.
Teach your child to blow their noses ASAP. Don't call medicine "Medicine"--it is something about that word! Get kids off the bottle at 1 year...the longer you let them have it..the longer they will want it. You will do some things like your it or not. Favorite Phrase..."We will see". Prepare yourself for the four year old can not even imagion! No's come in 3's. NO! NO! NO! Follow through with your promises. Develop a reward behavior chart. Don't say anything around a three year old you don't want repeated in public. They will not starve and they will eat when they get hungry. Read everything you can to them. Talk to your child and use your normal voice. Listen to your child. Get down on their level for discipline. Deal with issues not put them off for more than 5 minutes. "My tummy hurts" is code for I am about to throw up on you....get a trash can immediately. When a child says they have to go to the bathroom...go immediately. Dicipline requires creativity when they reach four. The same form discipline is not going to work for every incident. Know what makes your child tick....what they LOVE, dislike and want. In the back of the car carry- 409, extra change of clothes for you and each child, Lysol, paper towels, an extra bottle, a bottle of water, a bottle of juice, a blanket, extra diapers and extra wipes. McLaurin Techno XT strollers totally rock! Give your child's teachers a thank you gift at the end of the year and any opportunity inbetween. Teach your child their name, address, phone number, your name and cell numbers ASAP. If you are going out, don't let your husband pick out the children's clothing. Let kids pick out their own clothes on days only when you are staying home. Write it down or you will forget it. Grosery shopping is a nightmare regardless of what the Supernanny says. It is okay for them to get dirty. You are going to have to let them cry it out before they will sleep through the night. It is okay for children to cry sometimes. You have to let them learn their own lessons sometimes. Only Mothers can put things in the trash can. When you teach them to take off their clothes...keep in mind they will. Children have no concept of time. Baby Gas Medicine is not toxic and doesn't have a child proof top. Babys will not break and they will let you know when they are hungry or need you. You will want to change your name at times ( various reasons..embarrassment, tired of being needed, etc) . They always have to go to the bathroom when you get in a crowd of people, on the interstate or in an assembly (Disney world, church, etc) Try to make them go before you get there. This doesn't mean they will not have to go again in 5 minutes. They play this game where they go to the bathroom but don't go all the way so that as soon as you leave the bathroom, they have to go again. No matter where you are or when you are soon as the food gets to the table...they are going to have to go to the bathroom. You will become a local restaurant bathroom will spend more time in them than you could ever imagion. You will not eat hot food until your children go off to college. Children are facinated with Women's chest. They will put their hands down your shirt and flash you to the public in a heart beat. You will learn all the words to the kids Cartoons and Disney movies...liking them is not a requirement. When your child tells you they are someone or something...that means they "ARE" that person or thing...that means you are suppose to call them this, treat them as such and you most likely are not who you think you are either. You will not be on time....Just accept it and move on. For your sanity learn to "Zone"...if you are a Mother you know what this is...if you aren't don't will learn soon enough. Dad's are not allowed to Zone. Take your Children to church...they will develop such good character and beliefs. You will learn to love warm up suits. Small bottles of Juice travel better than large ones. Things you need to travel with you...Crayons, lap table, coloring book, small toys, earphones and blanket. Cherios are from God! Start kids eating Veggies early and they will love them as they get older. Hamsters are RATS (no explaination needed)! Rabbits are not the best idea as pets. Teach your child their body parts. Use correct names of things with your kids. Answer your children's difficult questions...however, tell them simply and only tell them what they need to know. DVD's in the car are one of the worlds greatest inventions. Wipe warmers are a racket. DROP IN Bottle system is awesome. You don't need all the "STUFF" they say you "NEED". Until they are 2 they like the boxes, paper and bows best! 11 month olds do not do well at the movies. Know that every other Mother has the same things happening at their house. There are a world of children who were raised on Formula...they are all perfectly normal! Take pictures...they grow up sooooo fast! Soft Scrub will take perminant marker off of hardwood floors. Soft scrub has also been known to take perminant pen off of children and their furnishings. Kids ask you the most difficult questions when you are driving down the road. Be prepared! Pray daily!
Kids do not know the difference in "Scratch" and bought at "Walmart"! When you think the stomach virus has to be is just getting started. There are about 5 different things that are normally wrong with a child when you go to the doctor...Cold, Ear Infection, Strep, Stomach Virus and alergic reactions. You will get medicine for Ear infections and Strep...The rest of the illnesses the docs will tell you to get over the counter meds. Fever is not a bad thing...The doctors will check the kids throats and ears and if it isn't red or infected, they are going to send you home. Give Tylenol and Motrin- Same instructions for 5 years now. Ear tubes are not as bad as everyone says...they actually work too. When kids are quiet...they are into something they shouldn't be. Don't hand a child anything that you want to have in the future. Children will put small things in places you didn't think they could. Children like to put things in thier noses.
Teach your child to blow their noses ASAP. Don't call medicine "Medicine"--it is something about that word! Get kids off the bottle at 1 year...the longer you let them have it..the longer they will want it. You will do some things like your it or not. Favorite Phrase..."We will see". Prepare yourself for the four year old can not even imagion! No's come in 3's. NO! NO! NO! Follow through with your promises. Develop a reward behavior chart. Don't say anything around a three year old you don't want repeated in public. They will not starve and they will eat when they get hungry. Read everything you can to them. Talk to your child and use your normal voice. Listen to your child. Get down on their level for discipline. Deal with issues not put them off for more than 5 minutes. "My tummy hurts" is code for I am about to throw up on you....get a trash can immediately. When a child says they have to go to the bathroom...go immediately. Dicipline requires creativity when they reach four. The same form discipline is not going to work for every incident. Know what makes your child tick....what they LOVE, dislike and want. In the back of the car carry- 409, extra change of clothes for you and each child, Lysol, paper towels, an extra bottle, a bottle of water, a bottle of juice, a blanket, extra diapers and extra wipes. McLaurin Techno XT strollers totally rock! Give your child's teachers a thank you gift at the end of the year and any opportunity inbetween. Teach your child their name, address, phone number, your name and cell numbers ASAP. If you are going out, don't let your husband pick out the children's clothing. Let kids pick out their own clothes on days only when you are staying home. Write it down or you will forget it. Grosery shopping is a nightmare regardless of what the Supernanny says. It is okay for them to get dirty. You are going to have to let them cry it out before they will sleep through the night. It is okay for children to cry sometimes. You have to let them learn their own lessons sometimes. Only Mothers can put things in the trash can. When you teach them to take off their clothes...keep in mind they will. Children have no concept of time. Baby Gas Medicine is not toxic and doesn't have a child proof top. Babys will not break and they will let you know when they are hungry or need you. You will want to change your name at times ( various reasons..embarrassment, tired of being needed, etc) . They always have to go to the bathroom when you get in a crowd of people, on the interstate or in an assembly (Disney world, church, etc) Try to make them go before you get there. This doesn't mean they will not have to go again in 5 minutes. They play this game where they go to the bathroom but don't go all the way so that as soon as you leave the bathroom, they have to go again. No matter where you are or when you are soon as the food gets to the table...they are going to have to go to the bathroom. You will become a local restaurant bathroom will spend more time in them than you could ever imagion. You will not eat hot food until your children go off to college. Children are facinated with Women's chest. They will put their hands down your shirt and flash you to the public in a heart beat. You will learn all the words to the kids Cartoons and Disney movies...liking them is not a requirement. When your child tells you they are someone or something...that means they "ARE" that person or thing...that means you are suppose to call them this, treat them as such and you most likely are not who you think you are either. You will not be on time....Just accept it and move on. For your sanity learn to "Zone"...if you are a Mother you know what this is...if you aren't don't will learn soon enough. Dad's are not allowed to Zone. Take your Children to church...they will develop such good character and beliefs. You will learn to love warm up suits. Small bottles of Juice travel better than large ones. Things you need to travel with you...Crayons, lap table, coloring book, small toys, earphones and blanket. Cherios are from God! Start kids eating Veggies early and they will love them as they get older. Hamsters are RATS (no explaination needed)! Rabbits are not the best idea as pets. Teach your child their body parts. Use correct names of things with your kids. Answer your children's difficult questions...however, tell them simply and only tell them what they need to know. DVD's in the car are one of the worlds greatest inventions. Wipe warmers are a racket. DROP IN Bottle system is awesome. You don't need all the "STUFF" they say you "NEED". Until they are 2 they like the boxes, paper and bows best! 11 month olds do not do well at the movies. Know that every other Mother has the same things happening at their house. There are a world of children who were raised on Formula...they are all perfectly normal! Take pictures...they grow up sooooo fast! Soft Scrub will take perminant marker off of hardwood floors. Soft scrub has also been known to take perminant pen off of children and their furnishings. Kids ask you the most difficult questions when you are driving down the road. Be prepared! Pray daily!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
An elf & an Angel
The christmas play at All Saints was just precious. Mary Catherine's class dressed and performed the nativity. Mary Catherine was an angel. They recited the following: If I were a shepard, I would give him a sheep, if I were a wiseman, i would give him gold, but what shall I give him..I'll give him my heart. they sang Away In A Manger and Jolly Ole Saint Nicholas. It was a good program. Joining us was GaGa, Sissy, Wills, Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay Vinson. Once the program was over, school dismissed for the holidays. Mary Catherine headed on to Charleston with Meme and Mel on Wednesday afternoon to visit with Kevin's family down there.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Today the entire 4 K at All Saints went to the Pumpkin Patch at College Park Methodist Church. Each child got to pick out a special pumkin to take back to school to decorate. Mary Catherine and her friend Briana Filyah enjoyed having Mrs. Wyche ride with us. They learned all about pumpkins and how they grow. What a great field trip!
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Mary Catherine and Rory go to College!
This weekend was so much FUN! Mary Catherine was extra special good at school this week and so Rory, the class Lion, asked Mrs. Bonniot to spend the weekend with her. Rory is a special lion who spends his days hanging out in the 4K jungle. he has his own PJ's , tooth brush and books in a special rolling suitcase. Rory carefully keeps an eye on the children and lets Mrs. Bonnoitt know who has been on their best behavior. He weekly picks a child to visit with over the weekend. Rory got a special treat this weekend. The Rawlinson family took a road trip to Presbyterian College. This was Mary Catherine's Mommy celebrated her 15 year class reunion. We had such a good time. On Friday evening we went to a BBQ on the lawn, then we took a walking tour of the campus and buildings. Rory and Mary Catherine enjoyed picking up accorns. We had so much fun at the new bookstore picking out Blue Hose merchandise. Mary Catherine selected a key chain for her book bag and pom poms. She bought Rory a PC arm band and her Daddy a PC hat. After a long night at the hotel, we went to lunch and then to the football game. It was so much fun. Mary Catherine was afraid of the cannon but loved the cheerleaders and concept of homecoming. After a very busy day, Mary Catherine slept all the way home from PC. Rory has his own journal so we had a delightful time writting about his adventures to PC and sleeping in the hotel. We also included photos of him at the football game and sitting on the sign out infront of the school.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Happy 4th Birthday Gracie Howard!
Today my friend Gracie Howard turned 4. The first photo is of the four girl buddies from left to right (Gracie Howard, Taylor McCall, Mary Catherine Rawlinson and Izzy Villar). Gracie had an ariel pool party at the Darlington Country Club pool. On the way to the party we were watching the storm clouds and hoping they would pass the party by. Almost as soon as we got to the party, everyone had to get out of the pool and go inside while there was thunder and lighting. We had such a good time anyway. Mrs. Lindsey had some yummy hot dogs, chips, ice cream and cake. Almost as soon as we finished eating our yummy snacks the pool was open again. We went back in swimming. It was a great party. Gracie gave us these really neat princess rings and earrings. I played with them all the way home from the party. I was glad to see my perky puppy buddies- Izzy, Gracie, Taylor, Austin, and Zach. We jumped, hugged and played so hard. I am also getting to make some new friends like Lauren Olsen, Mikala, Chandler and Phillip Villar. We had a great time. HAPPY 4th Birthday Gracie!
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Happy 5th Birthday Izzy!
Today was my friend Izzy Villar's birthday party. She had a tea party birthday at top hat teas. My girl friends from All Saints and I had so much fun. We had a lady put makeup on us, we played dress up and walked on the "runway" like models. We then had a tea party with all kinds of special tea party treats. After Izzy opened her presents then we had some really yummy birthday cake. What fun we had at Top Hat Teas. Happy 5th Birthday Izzy!
Friday, August 24, 2007
Week One- The Jungle Vine
We have had a great first week exploring all the fun places in our 4K jungle. We are learning our school and classroom rules. Next week we will begin our discipline plan. It was lots of fun sharing our "What Makes Me Roar" bags. We learned alot about each other,
We have read lots of books about going to school this week but the Kissing Hand seemed to be our favorite. Chester, the raccoon, actually came to our school and lead us on a chase. We never found him but did get to meet all of our special teachers along the way. Best of all, he left us a special handprint sugar cookies with a heart.
We have also been working on our fine motor skills and writting our first names. We have homework this week...prewritting practice sheets. Correct formation is very important as we do one each day. Last week we learned to write, spell and recognize the words RED, BLUE and ONE. We will continue to learn about other colors next week.
Below is a link to our school web site and our class news.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Welcome to the Jungle- 4K Ms. Boinnoitt
Today was Mary Catherine's first day in the 4K jungle. She looked so grown up. I almost cried when she got ready for school and it was time to take the annual before school photos. She has really gotten tall. She took her new Hello Kitty backpack (believe it or not---no princesses this year). The backpack also came with a purse. She is modeling it in the before school photos. This year she is in Ms. Kim Boinnoit's 4-K class at All Saints Day School. She and her classmates are called the fast cheetahs and their room is called the jungle. Today school started at 9am and was over at 11am. Tomorrow they will start at 8 and will not get out until 2:15pm. Mary Catherine is very excited that her best bud RJ Lee is in her class this year (yes, that is RJ across the table from her--but they promise me they are being very good). This smart group of 4 year olds have already started learning about things that are similar and different. Tomorrow they begin a review of colors. Mary Catherine has completed her home work for the day. She had to cut out pictures of something green, something red and something blue. She did great!
Swim Lessons- Pikes second time around!!!
We PASSED! Mary Catherine finally decided to put her head in the water and hold her breath. We were so happy. She is swimming really well now. She still has a noodle or a life jacket type devise when she goes into water over her head. She doesn't swim all of the time with her head under the water but atleast she will put her head under from time to time. She can jump in off of the side and swim the length of the pool. She has been practicing going down the big slide ay the YMCA. We are going to go ahead and take the next level swim class this fall.
Monday, July 16, 2007
My New House & Room
Today I got a new house. Thou I already know my new address is 1825 Brigadoone Lane, I wasn't very excited about the idea of a new house at first. The last night we spent in our old house , I cried and I wanted my Mommy and Daddy to take our old house and put it inside our new house. I was very sad about moving. I did get a new room and furniture out of this deal. My room is upstairs which I think is very cool. Mom and Dad painted my room light pink with cream trim. The furniture I got was very old but has been redone. The bed belonged to my Mommy when she was a little girl. The Dresser belonged to my Gaga when she was a little girl and the chest of drawers belonged to my Daddy's grandmom. The armoire belonged to Mommy's great grandmomma Moo Cow. Mommy had all the wooden pieces painted to match my new brass and iron bed. It is really looking nice. We have a great big den upstairs where Ella and I can play. I get to keep my art supplies, coloring books, musical instruments, finger paints, puzzles, and books in there. I also have a club house outside. We haven't fixed it up yet but my Gaga says she will come and help me when it cools off. My new room is a wonderful place and I love it. I love having my princess dresses in there. I like having room for all of my dolls and princess castles. I am sure I will eventually like this place but it is gona take some time.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Garden City Beach 2007
I had lots of fun at the beach this summer with Gaga, Sissy and Mommy. We did all kinds of great stuff. My best bud in the whole world, RJ Lee, came down for a few days and we played so hard that we were just exhausted. We played on the ocean several times and then we spent a whole day at the water park. It was so much fun. Aunt Sissy and I built a huge sand castle and I had a great time at the euro bungie jumper. I can 't wait to go back to the beach with Gaga, Sissy and mommy again.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Here Comes the Bride!!!
Today Mary Catherine was the minature bride in her Jen Jen Stroup's wedding to Brian Spring. She did very good and acted like a little princess. She looked so beautiful and grown up. She had a wonderful time at the reception dancing and such. Her good friend Mallory Smith was the flower girl. She did great too. The photos were taken by Ricky Strickland. Enjoy the photos. Congrats Jen Jen and Brian. We love you!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Sissy!
Monday, June 11, 2007
All Saints Episcopal Day School is going to host its first Golf Tournament and Gala on October 27th, 2007. The golf tournament will be at the South Carolina Country Club golf course during the day. The black tie Gala will be at the Florence Country Club that evening. All proceeds will go to supporting the school. More information is to follow.
Volunteers, sponsors, players, team sponsors, and donations are needed. Kevin is the Finance Committee but is looking for others to help. If you would like to volunteer to help with the finances- call him 843-206-8665. I am over Site Planning. My committee will be working with the facilities, floor plans, planning food & beverages, greeting tables, collecting tickets and distributing auction materials, etc for the gala. I need volunteers too. Call me if you would like to help- 843-229-1551!
Mark your calendars and plan to attend! This is going to be "THE EVENT" of the year for Florence!
These last two week's Mary Catherine has been attending Bible school. The first week she and her friend Mallorie Smith attended VBS at Lebanon Free Will Baptist Church. Then this week they were at Effingham Presbyterian Church. She and Mallorie play so well together and have such a great time. They learned some important lessons at bible school . They made some great crafts and they sang such pretty songs at the programs. What a GREAT two weeks at VBS!
You are In My World....
Kevin, Ella and I took Mary Catherine and RJ Lee to Coastal Grand Mall in Myrtle Beach today. The purpose of the trip was to JUMP!! We left Florence around 9am and arrived around 11:30am. RJ and Mary Catherine had a great time talking ALL the way to the beach. Our favorite moment was when they were talking about seeing GOD in the sky. They were in deep discussion about heaven and then they began to talk about being in another WORLD. They were discussing the items in their worlds. RJ said "Mary Catherine you are definitely in my World." It was a precious moment. These two really adore each other. Ella was screaming so Kevin asked if she could be in one of their worlds. We had a quick lunch in the food court and then we headed for the jumping station. The jumping station consist of three trampolines on what looks like big inter tubes. They have these harnesses with bungee cords hooked to both sides. They put the kids on the trampolines, hooked them in the harnesses and they start jumping. As they jump they raise them a little. Before they knew it they were jumping as high as the ceiling. They had so much fun. They jumped 6 times each. If Kevin and I would have let them they would still be jumping. While taking a break from jumping, we did a little shopping. Mary Catherine and RJ wanted to go into the KB toy store. With Kevin's help they selected play cell phones (of the Princess variety of course). These are the noisiest things....I am trying to figure out how to get the batteries out. The kids opened and closed them all the way home. They had a contest to see who could open and close them the most and the fastest. They also had a competition regarding who could make the most noise with the cell phone. Thanks KEVIN! While at the mall we ran into Jen Jen Stroup. Mary Catherine and RJ took photos of Jen Jen with their cell phones. What a FUN day of JUMPING!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Prissy Stage
Mary Catherine is going through a very prissy stage. She does not want to get dirty or have anything on her clothes. She changes clothes several times a day. She loves makeup and fixing hair. She wants me to put on her make up and roll her hair. She always wants her nails painted. Who Knows? She attended Margaret Lee's spend the night birthday day party a few weeks ago so I don't know if this is her wanting to act like the big girls who were there or what.
Anyway, I did take a whole afternoon and roll the hair. After we got all of the sponge rollers in...she immediately wanted to take them out. So, it was basically a BIG waste of time. She later decided to let me put her hair in a pony tail on top of her head and put rollers in the pony tail. She slept in it and had a curly ponytail the next day. She also decided she wanted me to put makeup on her. As you can see from the photos, we did the makeup at a different time and she looks weird. She had her MeMe buy her Fushia nail polish and paint her nails to match her bike helmet. It is such a pretty color. We accessorize everything with necklaces, braclets, rings, purses, bows, and sunglasses. Lately we want all of these items on at the same time.
I think all of this has to do with the fact that later this month Mary Catherine is going to be the miniture bride in her Jen Jen's wedding. A happy and sad day for us. Jen Jen grew up like my little sister across the street and she was Mary Catherine's first nanny. She was with her from 4 months until she was two. Jen Jen still keeps her and she spends the night with her every once in a while. Mary Catherine can not understand why her Jen Jen has to get a new house and a husband. We are not even going to attempt the baby conversation with her as she thinks she is....JEN JEN's baby! We went for a fitting of Mary Catherine's dress a few weeks ago. She really liked how she looked and wanted to stand up on the brides mirror so that she could see herself good. She told me..."Mommy...I can't sit down in this dress. " It has crenolines under it and is stiff but she looks so cute. It is a pretty off white satin and she has a little diamond and pearl tiara that she will also wear.
Over all I am thankful for Mary Catherine's prissyness. She lets me dress her and I am loving that. For now, I am enjoying putting dresses on her and keeping bows in her hair. Our big issue is SHOES. We can not find shoes she likes other than flip flops and zippy keds. We recently tried Mudpuddles. That lasted all of about 2 days. I bought NIKE type shoes for camp. She hates her white stride rite sandles and will not wear hanna anderson clogs or hanna anderson sandles. The shoe issue is driving me crazy!
Friday, June 01, 2007
Summer Fun 2007
This summer Mary Catherine is going to be busy. She is going to attend Summer Camp at All Saints from 8-1 everyday. They have wet and wild day on Tuesdays and Thursdays. They play in the baby pools, on the slip and slides and in the sprinklers. I am hoping this will help with her obcession about not getting her face wet. Fridays are Wheels day. They can bring anything with wheels on it and spend the morning ridding in the parking lot at school. We didn't realize how much Mary Catherine grew this year. When we pulled her princess bike out to put it in the car Thursday night, it was way too small for her. We actually had to run to Walmart on Friday morning at 7:30 am before school and buy her a 16 inch bike. It was the last one Walmart had...undoubtedly alot of other parents had done the same thing just before us.
We are going to miss baby sitter Jennifer Petrish this Summer. Jennifer has been keeping the kids on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for me to work since January. I am going to attempt to go back to work "somewhat" full time this Summer so we had to have some full time help with the girls. Emily Roberts is home from Erskine for the Summer and will be watching the girls and Wills this summer. The babies will go to Mothers Morning Out Tuesday- Thursday from 9-12. Then Emily will have them all day on Mondays and Fridays and then she will pick them up from school on Tues- Thursday at 12 and keep them til 5. Mary Catherine will go to camp Monday- Friday from 8-1pm. Then she can go with me for the afternoon or go hang out with Emily and the babies. It will be up to her. Mary Catherine loves Emily and likes when we get her to stay with them. After Emily's first day, Gaga McLaughlin decided she missed them too much and got Emily to bring them to her house to watch them. This frees Gaga up to go do the things she wants to do for herself and with friends for the Summer but it also makes it so she can keep an admiring eye on her grandkids. I think Gaga is spoiled! HAHA! Mary Catherine will also be going to visit Meme a few times, and going to the beach with Gaga the second week in July. What a BUSY Summer.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Mary Catherine Rawlinson, CPA/Accountant-- Maybe????
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Last Day of 3K---See Ya Later Perky Puppies!!!
We had an end of the year party yesterday out on the play ground. We had popcicles, chips and cool aid. Vicky's mom helped us make a cute puppie plate and mug for Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Crouch. We make Puppies out of our finger prints. Then Vickys Mom put our names on them and added, ears, eyes etc. They were sooooo cute. Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Crouch LOVED them. Issie's Mom brought the bubble machine, Austin's mom bught everyone balls. Gracie Howard's Mom brought popcicles and Mary Catherine and her Mom painted freezie cups with everyone's name on them and perky Puppies 2006-2007 and brought coolaid to go in them. It was such a FUN day!!!
It seems like just yesterday the Perky Puppies were starting the school year. They have all grown up so much. Meme & Mel Wright came up for the end of the year program. They took Mary Catherine back to Charleston with them for a special weekend. While in Charleston, Meme & Mel got Mary Catherine a new Bike to keep at their house. She really enjoyed learning to ride it. She enjoyed going out to lunch with Meme, Mel and Aunt Pam for Meme's birthday. Mary Catherine impressed Aunt Pam by writting her whole name on Meme's birthday card. She also payed a surprise visit to PopPop Rawlinson. Mary Catherine and Aunt Pam too Pop Pop to the mall and played on the frogs and had ice cream. What FUN! She also attended church with Aunt Pam and helped celebrate the birthday of the church she attends and Mary Catherine's Daddy grew up attending- Aldersgate Methodist Church.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Shrek, Chucky Cheese Hell & CiCi's Pizza
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