Wednesday, October 02, 2002

Month Six- I thought only old people had Siatica!!!

I woke up one morning in the middle of September and I knew something wasn't right. My right leg was hurting. This was a pain like nothing I had ever experienced before. My best description of this pain was as if someone took a metal coat hanger, straightened it out, put it in a fire and got it burning red hot and shoved it through my right buttock and down the back of my leg into my ankle. There was no relief!

Finally, we got the doctors on the phone. They decided I was having siatic pain and they called me in Tylenol 3. That did nothing to relieve the pain! I was thinking more like give me some morphine or something to knock me out. It would have felt better to just chop my leg off with no anesthesia. This was the most painful thing I have ever experienced in my life.

No one ever told me this could happen. Of all the women I have known that have had children, no one has ever told me anything about siatic pain. I have heard old folks talk about having siatica. Never ever have I ever heard a person who was younger than 50 even discuss this. If child birth is worse than this, I am going to have to be put to sleep to give birth. I have decided I am a pain wimp. I just can't do this pregnancy thing anymore.

The docs have called in a "PRENATAL CRADLE" contraption for me to wear until the baby comes. I can't wait to see this thing. It should be here in the next few days. From the photos it looks very much like a body sling! You can imagine the jokes that are going along with this. Kevin has been trying to massage the leg to help relieve the pain. I lay there and scream bloody murder the entire time. He is having to help me out of bed and into the shower. I can not stand up for any period of time without having excruciating pain. We have a stool in the shower now. I sit to take a bath. This is so not funny anymore!

This is so ridiculous, something is going to change. I have been in the bed for two weeks with this. Most days consist of laying, watching TV out of the side of my eyes and crying. This pain is unbelievable!

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