Sunday, January 05, 2003


Okay, Kevin and I think we know what is wrong with Mary Catherine and why she is screaming at night. We think she is afraid of the dark. Since she has been in this world she has been in the light. In the nursery at the hospital, they keep the lights on all the time(which screws up the babies sleep schedules-IMHO). So when we turn the lights off to go to bed...she freaks out. We tested this theory several ways, we put her in her crib earily in the evening with the light on. She slept good. We put her in the bassinet later in the evening in out room with the light off...she screamed immediately. Thus our child is afraid of the dark. So, kevin and i are now sleeping with a light on in our room. Kevin isn't handling this well. He is used to sleeping in complete darkness. This is a real delima...anyone have a problem like this?

We have also found that she only likes the ugly big green passy issued by the hospital. Kevin has now gone on a mission to purchase more of these passy items.
She also likes a certain playtex laytex nipple on the bottle. He has also gone to check into some more of these. We are getting her feeding schedule more regular and she is up to drinking 2 oz per feeding. yeah! I have been worried that she isn't eating enough.

Saturday, January 04, 2003

Who's Baby is this????

Okay...I think we have a different baby than the cute, quiet one that we had at the hospital. She screamed almost all night! WE are so exhausted. We ended up holding her most of the night. We just don't know what is wrong. She is pooping, peeing and we have changed her. She has eaten and she is burping. We gave the gas stuff and that wasn't it. Oh-we have alot to learn. She may have done cute stuff today but we were so pooped that we forgot to write it down.

Today, Gram mac came over to play. She played while mommy and daddy slept. Thank heavens for gram mac. Today, I am very sore. I think it is crawling in and out of the high bed with the c-section. Kevin is getting me a stool. Today, I attemped to put on my pre-pregancy clothes. They literally fell off. Obviously, I have lost more weight than I thought I had. I guess, Mary Catherine and I will just have to go shopping! She will learn young!

Friday, January 03, 2003


Today we came home from the hospital. Don't worry we have the whole thing on video tape, just incase you want to watch it someday. I still don't know why we felt we should record this trip but we did...we pick the weirdest things to record these days.

Dad drove us and I set in the back with you as you took your first ride in the car. We played the baby bach CD so that you would be smart and it would hopefully make the ride a pleasureable experience for you. I was worried that riding in a car would some how damage you forever. I complained pretty much the whole trip that your Dad was driving too fast or not being careful enough. I don't know who invented these car seat/ baby carrier things but they are just awkward. They are hard to adjust, hard to get in and harder to get out. Your Dad and I are educated people and we think this is something out of a spaceship. Actually, you pretty much hated the thing too. They made us try the devise it out in the hospital room first. That was not a good thing. You screamed at the sight of it. We put you in it and you did scream then. Of course, my immediate thought was that it was choking or hurting you in some way. The nurse assured me it was completely safe and you were okay. I agreed but it didn't mean I liked it. That first try out/ adjustment was with just a hospital gown on. The next time, we had all of the "bundling" that went with you! So, the straps had to be were not happy. I could see at that moment... you are my child, you like things to be done right the first time around. Smart Girl! Finally we were released and were really going home. You looked so precious in your "going home" gown with "mary had a little lamb" smocked on it. Gaga bought it for you from a store called Scrambled Eggs in Hendersonville, NC. It was pink pinwale cordorory. I also put a white sweater, gloves, two blankets and a hat on you so that there would be no part of your body that might get cold. You didn't really like the car seat. I am not so much sure it was the seat you didn't like or all of the bundling that second time. You pretty much screamed the whole way home. We continued to play the baby bach cd.

When we got home Granddaddy Mac, Aunt Celia and Grandma mac (GRAM is what she wants you to call her) were there waiting on us. They had been cleaning up and getting the house ready for you. Granddaddy had the people there installing a glass front door so that you could see outside. Thanks Mom & Dad! You got to meet Babbs (our dog) for the first time. It was love at first sight. She loved you and you her. Aunt Celia and I took photos of you in your crib and photos with babbs. Then you and I layed down for a nap.

When I got up from the nap, I cooked dinner for your Dad and I. It was the first time I had cooked in 9 months! It smelled soooo good! I was soooo hungry!

Thursday, January 02, 2003

Day 2- Thursday- Sleeping and the Shakes

Today we rested. You and I were both exhausted. Aunt Celia came in and changed your clothes like four times yesterday for pictures and we had visitors most of the day. We were both exhausted! You were so cute today. You like to lay on my chest. You like for your face to touch my skin on my neck. That is were you want to be when I hold you. I love the smell of your head and the feel of the fuzz on your head on my neck. You fit so perfectly in that spot. I would like to freeze the moment in my heart and have it there forever as one of the best moments of my life. Your Dad is so taken with you. He is like a pro changing your diaper and all! He knows just how to handle you. I guess he was paying attention in the child care class we attended. I love the fact that he gets to help and we get to share you. I love having a family of my own. You are such a special little one! We are having a time getting you to burp. So we called the nurse...your "tough ole nurse" came in and she said..."You two act like you gona break her, she isn't gona break" with that she threw you up on her shoulder (as I gasped) and wacked you on the back (as your Dad gasped) and you did this big ole burp like no one has ever heard a baby do. I think you are trying to make us look bad. When we get home, I am going to work toward perfecting this burp thing with you. You just wait...I am going to be able to burp any baby given to me before this is over (without the shoulder throwing and back wacking thing.) There has to be a kinder and gentler way to do it!

I have heard of mothers getting the "Mommy Shakes" right after they have a baby. I even saw Cousin Laurie having them but it was right after the baby was born. I had a weird spell this evening. It scard your dad and I really bad. I was lying in the bed after you went to the nursery and I got the shakes of sorts. I was freezing cold, my teeth were chattering and I couldn't control it. My fever dropped very low. The nurses came in and wrapped me in warm blankets and give me some medication. Finally, I was able to settled down. The doctors have decided we are going to be staying in the hospital for an extra day for them to observe. It looks like we will not be going home until Friday.

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Our First New Years Parade

I had this grand plan for today. We were all going to sit around and watch the new years day parade together. You will soon find out that your Mommy loves parades! Needless to say, the parade was the last thing on anyone's mind. You were up bright and early ready for a bottle and some Mommy time. Everyone came to visit with us. You were on the news last night and this morning as one of the last babies born in Florence before the new year. There were actually a set of twins born right after you. The doctors had a busy day at Carolinas Hospital on the 31st. There were 11 babies born. Everyone keeps joking that your Dad, the CPA, had to bribe the doctors so that he could get his tax deduction in under the deadline. I assure you that wasn't the case. You are so beautiful and happy. I have never been so happy to meet someone! When they gave you to me, it was love at first site. I never knew the kind of love I felt for you. You were just so perfect there in my arms. I was so thankful for you and love you so very much. I have to admitt, I was also thankful that the sickness was gone....opps, nope, wait a minute...I got sick after they brought my lunch to me today! The doctors and nurses said it was the gas they used to put me to sleep...whatever, I just want the nausea and sickness to end so I can go home and be a Mommy!