Sunday, January 05, 2003


Okay, Kevin and I think we know what is wrong with Mary Catherine and why she is screaming at night. We think she is afraid of the dark. Since she has been in this world she has been in the light. In the nursery at the hospital, they keep the lights on all the time(which screws up the babies sleep schedules-IMHO). So when we turn the lights off to go to bed...she freaks out. We tested this theory several ways, we put her in her crib earily in the evening with the light on. She slept good. We put her in the bassinet later in the evening in out room with the light off...she screamed immediately. Thus our child is afraid of the dark. So, kevin and i are now sleeping with a light on in our room. Kevin isn't handling this well. He is used to sleeping in complete darkness. This is a real delima...anyone have a problem like this?

We have also found that she only likes the ugly big green passy issued by the hospital. Kevin has now gone on a mission to purchase more of these passy items.
She also likes a certain playtex laytex nipple on the bottle. He has also gone to check into some more of these. We are getting her feeding schedule more regular and she is up to drinking 2 oz per feeding. yeah! I have been worried that she isn't eating enough.

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