Monday, September 22, 2003

DaDaddy Mac Had a farm E I E I O!

Today was a sad day for our family. Dadaddee Mac passed away. My granddaddy McLaughlin was 54 years old and he was recovering from colon surgery at Carolinas Hospital. This morning, Mommy and I went to the hospital to check on him and he told Mommy he didn't feel well. Mommy called doctor Miller and he came right over. They thought he had an inner ear infection. As they were moving him to a special unit, he had a pulmonary embolism and passed away. My Mommie, Gaga, Bubba and Sissy were very said.

While Dadaddee was in the hospital this month, my Mommie would take me up to visit him. Sometimes, we would take walks with him up to the 9th floor hospital lobby. From there, he could see everything he had worked on his whole life. He would walk me over to the window and point things out to me and tell me things that were going to happen in the years ahead. He liked to sing to me and play games. One of our favorite games was the one where he would stick his tougue out and them I would do the same thing. Then he would blow and then I would blow. We laughed alot together. I liked to lay on his big belly and nap. He was always good for a nap. Since we had been working together for about 7 months, I enjoyed when he took me in his office and put my bouncy seat up on the BIG desk and fed me while we watched the news or he talked on the phone to clients. He had worked with me for 9 months on the "GRANDADDDY!" thing. That is what he wants me to call him. Since he has been in the hospital I was afraid of the IV's he had in his arm but every tim I came in the door, he would hold his hands up in the air and say, "Granddaddy!" He really wanted me to say granddaddy. Lastweek, I decided I would make him happy and just do it. I actually held my hands up on my own and said "dadaddee!" back to him. Thus, he will forever be in my heart as "Dadaddee!" He thought that was really something special. He thought I was really something special. My Mommy worries about how his passing is going to effect me and my future. She also wonders if I will remember him. I am sure I will...who could forget him!

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