Sunday, June 13, 2004

Bow Baby

Mary Catherine has this strange obsession with not getting rid of anything. She is a MINI PACK RAT of sorts. She wants to keep everything....literally. Even if it is 3 or 4 sizes too small, she thinks she should keep it. If it is broken, or if it is trash, she wants to keep it. She gets absolutely devastated when we pack up clothes, shoes and toys that she has out grown. One afternoon, I was in her closet packing up her clothes she had out grown. She was devastated and was taking them out of the boxes as fast as I could pack them. At one point, I looked and she had one of her baby pacifiers in her mouth, one of the too small dresses on and all of the tiny bows which she had out grown in her hair. It was just too cute for us not to take a photo. We hope she will eventually out grow this pack rat mentality!

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