Saturday, November 12, 2005

Riley Barfield's Birthday Party at the Fire Station

Today was Riley Barfield's 3rd Birthday. He had a party at the Florence Fire Station. The firetrucks were big and red. Mommie was christmas shopping so Daddy went with me. Daddy helped me slide down the fire poll and we checked out all of the trucks. All of my buddies were at the party: Robbie and Taylor Jordan, Tallon Goff, Baine Avant, RJ Lee and of course Riley Barfield. We ate pizza and cake in the firehouse kitchen. We also got to watch a movie about fire safety. I loved everything except when the fire man put on their hats and hoods. That was scary to me. Daddy explained to me that I shouldn't be scard of the firemen and they were there to help people in fires. Regardless of what Dad says, I was just not very confident and decided I would rather have Daddy hold me. Hopefully, I will have the chance to meet another fireman soon and maybe next time I will not be so afraid. It was a fun day at the firestation! Happy Birthday Riley!

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