Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Mrs. Patricia & Mrs. Elaine

This year I have been in Mrs. Patricia and Mrs. Elaines class at Central Methodist Church Mothers Morning Out. We have learned so much at school. Mrs. Patricia and Mrs. Elaine are such good teachers. We learned the pledge of alligience,our letters,numbers, colors and shapes. We have also learned the names of the president, vice president and first lady (WBush, Dick Cheney and Laura Bush). We can tell you that they live in the white house. We learned the golden rule "do unto others as you would like them to do unto you." Mrs Patricia worked hard to stress good manners with us. She alos taught us to share with others and to follow directions. We also learned John 3:16. We made so many neat projects. We learned to cut, paste, color with crayons and to paint with brushes. I like to paint. I am definately left handed. I can tell you what letter everyone in my classes name begins with. My best friends in class are: Robert (RJ) Lee, Riley Barfield, Murphy, Joshua, Robbie Jordan, Madison, and Lauren. We have all grown up so much this year. We will be moving up this summer to Ms. Amber and Ms. Stephanie's older 3's class. We will miss Mrs. Patricia and Mrs. Elaine.

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