Saturday, June 10, 2006

Bible School-Ester saves the Juice

This week Mary Catherine has been attending Vacation Bible School for the very first time. She had made a very good friend named Gracyn Richardson. Her teacher at Bible school has been Ms Courtney Molson, Mrs. McCain and Mrs. Jan Bray. Mary Catherine really loved them all. She especially enjoyed dancing and singing. She did great until the end of the week performace where she put her hands over her face and played with her shirt and wouldn't do a thing! Acts just like her Aunt Sissy did when she was this age.

Our favorite story this week has been about Queen Ester. One evening after Bible school, we got home, bathed and we about ready for bed. I sat down on the couch and attempted to put Mary Catherines pj's on. As I was getting it done, she said "Mommy did you know about that beautiful Queen Ester?" I said, "Well yes pumpkin, Mommy knows about Queen Ester." She said, "Mommy did you know she saved all the juice and they had a BIG party?" I about fell off the couch. She had heard courtney say "JEWS" in a southern accent and thought she was saying "JUICE!" I did everything I could think of to explain that Ester saved the Jews but Mary Catherine would not hear of it. I remember my Dad once telling me to pick my battles and I decided I would leave this one alone. It was a classic moment at our house!

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