Wednesday, September 06, 2006

How Do We Get To Heaven???

As we headed home from school today Mary Catherine was sitting in the back seat. I knew she was being quiet but, I thought she was just sleepy. As we turned on Edisto Drive, she said "Mommy, how do we get to heaven, in a elevator, airplane or in a helicopter?" After a brief pause, I thought...I got this one. I said "Well, sweetheart, we don't use an elevator, airplane or helicopter to get to heaven. We use the love of Jesus that we have in our heart to get us to heaven." Brief pause and she replies is "Is DaDaddy Mac in heaven?" I said "Yes, DaDaddy Mac is in heaven." As she looked down the neck of her shirt where her heart is, she says "But Mommy, DaDaddy Mac was a BIG person how did he get in little baby Jesus heart?" Deep breath and then I attempted to explain the feeling of LOVE to my three and a half year old. Once we got through that extremely confusing conversation, I was hoping this was going to be the end of the BIG questions until her Daddy got home. Oh how wrong I was. Next comment was "Mommy, I want to go to heaven now to see DaDaddy Mac." Holding back all the tears in my overly emotional pregnant body, I say, "Baby,I miss DaDaddy Mac too but we can't go to heaven until Jesus decides we are ready to go be with him in heaven." Hoping she is going to think of something else, I begin to pray. Then in a much lighter voice Mary Catherine says "So what do they have in heaven?" My replies are guarded at this point but and I am really trying to roll with it. I this one..."Oh in heaven they have all the good things you can ever think of." Her little blue eyes lit up and she said "like princesses, ponies, candy, cookies and ice cream?" I said "Sure, if you think those are all good things then I am sure they have all of those things in heaven." There is a quiet pause in the back seat. I am thinking WHEWWWW but holding my breath at the same time! Then all of a sudden she says "So Mommy, do they have cotton candy in heaven?" I think, okay this is odd but, I got this one too..."Sure sweetheart, if you think cotton candy is good, then I am sure they have some of that in heaven." Very brief pause and she replies..."Well Mommy, you know we could just go back to Disney on Ice and get some of that cotton candy we don't have to go all the way to heaven to get it." I about fell out of the car. I have no idea how the conversation went from -how to get to heaven to Cotton Candy at Disney on Ice but all this Mom can say is....WHEEEEEEEEW!

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