Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Trick Or Treat

Trick or Treat! Today I went over to Gaga's and helped her carve a pumpkin. I was very experienced at pumpkin carving. The perky puppies carved a pumpkin at school on Monday. Gaga said I was a lot of help. She said it was very cute when she cut into the top of the pumpkin I reached my hand right in there and got some of the insides. Gaga did have a moment of memory from the first time she carved a pumpkin with my Mommy. She said I gagged when I got the pumpkin guts in my hand. She said Mommy did the same thing the first time she helped carve a pumpkin. Mommy and Daddy took me Trick or Treating. I wore my Snowwhite costume. We visited with Gaga, Jen Jen, the Daniels, Sissy's, Aunt Flo & Uncle Jay's and Mary Claussen's House. Wills and Sissy were at Mary Claussen's. He was a cute Lobster! I got a pumpkin full of treats. This year I went up to the doors, rang the bells and said "Trick or Treat". Mommy was most proud when I said "Thank you very much" after they gave me a treat!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Kirkin of the Tartans

Today I went to a very special service at First Presbyterian Church in Florence as a guest of my best friend RJ Lee. The service was called Kirkin of the Tartans. Before we left for church, my Mommy helped me dress in some real scottish attire. I wore a navy skirt, white blouse and my Mom's McLaughlin tartan sash and crest. I looked like a little scottish blue hose. My Daddy just had to take my photo. My Mommy talked to me a little bit about the tartan and clans as she helped me dress. She also told me that the special pin said...Brave and Faithful. I kept saying it said brave and smart but I am learning.

When we got to the church, there was a bagpiper out in front of the church welcoming everyone. It was so neat. I love the bagpipe music. When we got in to the church, we met my best bud RJ Lee, his Mom (Cathy)and we sat with them. Today was RJ's real 4th birthday. I was so very excited that we were going to see and spend time with him on his birthday. RJ and I were sooooo excited about the bagpiper and the men in skirts. As the service started and the bagpiper came in RJ and I just couldn't sit still. We loved the bagpipes. Then after the bagpipes came our favorite pediatrician dressed in a kilt and carrying a BIG bible--Dr. Weave Whitehead. We were facinated that it was really him!!! Then the preachers, the choir and a member from each clan came in carrying their family tartan on a pole. We even saw our friends Mr. Woody Swink and Mrs. Lola Faye Craig carrying flags. The flag barriers took the flags and put them up at the front of the church on this really neat stand. Margaret Lee (RJ's big sister) carried the Wallace tartan for their family. She had on a kilt and everything.

At the young disciples message RJ and I held hands and went down front just like big kids. We sat right on the floor and talked to the preacher, the bagpiper and Dr. Whitehead. Dr Whitehead had a dager in his sock. The bagpiper told us about his outfit. He had a pretty red cross around his neck. I already knew about the tartans and clans when the preacher ask us. After the young disciples message, I left and went with RJ to chidrens church. After church we went with the Lees to the fellowship hall for a yummy lunch. I sat next to RJ and we ate cupcakes with orange icing. We also got to visit with baby Wills Urquhart's great grandmother and great granddaddy Tyson at lunch. They are such nice people.

We had lots of fun at the First Presbyterian Church Kirkin of the Tartans service today. Happy 4th birthday RJ. Thanks for inviting us for this special day- RJ, Cathy and Margaret Lee!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Costume Parade All Saints 2006

What a fun day we had at All Saints today. We had a BIG parade out in front of the school building. Everyone wore costumes and we marched around the drop off area to halloween music. It was so much fun. I wasn't afraid at all of all the big kids with scary mask. I told Mommy...they are just pretending. I have decided to be Snow White this year. My costume is getting a little too short!

After our parade, the perky puppies went back to our class and had ICE SCREAM sandwiches. They were yummy! We have had so much fun learning about halloween. I learned that spiders have 8 legs and bats fly at night. The perky puppies learned some really cute songs about a fat little witch named Rose, a bat song and the monster mash. We made great halloween snacks at school. My favorite was spooky eyeballs made from white powdered donuts, jelly life savers, chocolate chips and red icing. One day we made Monster Mash out of ice cream, green whip cream, chocolate chips and marshmellows. I didn't like all the stuff mixed together in the monster mash. We make so many wonderful art projects and books. I make a book every week at school that I bring home and read to Mommie and Daddy. Sometimes we make more than one book. Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Crouch are great teachers and they keep us sooo busy!

Our class started spanish in September. We have already learned lots of great stuff. We go to a special class twice a week (Tuesday and Thursday). If we can say our spanish color and wear it to our spanish class on Thursday we get a special treat. We practice our color daily and I definately can say them by Thursday so I can get the treat! I can say and identify -Brown (Cafe), Red (rojo), Blue (Azul), White(Blanco)and Orange (Narunja). I have also learned to say Hello, Friend, Goodbye, How Are you? and Very well thank you in Spanish. I learned a new song in spanish which really impressed Mommie and Daddy when I performed it imprompto in the car for them.

Today was report card day. Mommie and Daddy are so proud of me as I got a good report. My report card says I know all of my colors in english and can identify them. I know my numbers to 20, I can sit still and quiet in circle time, I play well with others(which is something Mommie struggled with when she was in kindergarten), I know my shapes and I know my birthday. I haven't been tested yet but I know my address and am working on learning my phone number. I am also learning to use phonics to sound out the first letter of words. Often I help Mommie figure out what the first letter of certain words are. I can also add some small numbers like 1+1, 1+2, 1+3 all the way to 1+9. My princess computer that Pop Pop gave me for Christmas last year taught me to do this. Once again, when I did it for the first time by myself...Mommie was really impressed! Mommie and Daddy go for my first parent teacher conference with Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Crouch next Thursday.

The perky puppies and the busy bee class will perform in our first chapel service on November 16th. We are going to make and wear indian vest. It should be a wonderful event.

Play Date with Cousin Ellie

Today was so much fun. My cousin Ellie Parks (daughter of Clint & Laurie Parks) came for a play date at my house. We had so much fun. I taught her how to play princess dress up. She really liked the pink princess dress but I changed at least three or four times. We had a t-party and danced to the princess dance DVD. Ellie is such a good dancer. We also played ball and took every toy out of my toy box. Mommy had to take pictures because we were just too cute. I can't wait for Ellie to come back and play again.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Can I Go See Your Car???

I miss Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay when they go away on trips but they always bring me great treasures back from their adventures. From Germany they brought me a yodeling bear (yes, it really yodels!!!), a BERLIN t-shirt and a beautiful German doll. They brought me some really neat beach balls too. I named the yodeling bear-- YOYO. Mommy and Daddy make sure I take YOYO and Belly Belly (a singing bear that Uncle Jay won for me at Starfire Restaurant) with me when I go visit them. Uncle Jay loves to play with all my noisy toys!

I love going to Flo & Jay's house. My favorite things to do there are...slide down the stairs with Uncle Jay, play in their BIG tub (they have colored covers we put over the light), play in the fountain on the sun porch and go downstairs to the garage and visit the cars. I am fascinated with the concept of a garage (the car's have their own room). Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay love to play hide and seek with me (I always hide in the same places). I think I might wear them out. Uncle Jay some times lets me get in the shower with all my clothes on and put my Princess Umbrella over my head to keep me dry. That is sooo cool. Aunt Flo let me go downstairs and pretend to drive Uncle Jay's BMW. I am sure Uncle Jay will let me really drive it someday. I love my Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay!

My Imagionary Friends

I have lots of imagionary friends that come to play with me. Sometimes we have all of the Disney Princesses or Tinkerbell over and other times it is all seven of the dwarfs. Then there are some 5-7 imagionary friends which I call my "children" . They are are here 75-90% of the time. I do take them to school with me. But my Mom says they really need to stay at home while I am at All Saints. Especially the princesses. I don't like for people to sit on them and I am very protective of the princesses. I definatley have twins in my belly (a boy and a girl- no names), then there are some friends I have not given names to but there are some main "children" I definately must never forget. I have two friends who's names are Tunken and Plinklin. They are with me most of the time. I have to get them in and out of buildings, the car, stores, church and the house. They are sneaky and do funny stuff. I talk to them all the time. Sometimes I get mad with them and they get in trouble. A few days ago, Tunkin wouldn't let me put my feet on the couch at naptime. I told her my Mommie would talk with her about that. My Mommie talked to her and she then let me put my feet up on the couch. Tunkin is the oldest. She is bossy and often tells me what to do. I tell Mommie and Daddy on her alot. However, if she goes to her gaga's house, I call her on my princess phone and tell her she needs to come on over here to my house. Plinklin is the youngest and appears to be the quiet one. She doesn't get in trouble or cause trouble much. She plays nicely with me and is more likely to share than Tunken. Tunken usually sits in the front seat of the car with Mommie because she is older and plinklin sits in the back with me. My Mommie had to have a talk with all of us the other day when Tunkin and Plinklin helped me find a green magic marker and we drew on the stool in my room. She told us that if Tunkin and Plinklin couldn't help Mary Catherine behave and not write on things, other than paper provided by Mommie, then they would have to go home and would not be allowed to play at our house anymore. They also have to help me pick up my room. Mommie explained to me that I am responsible for all of my children and the things they mess up or toys they leave out...I have to make sure they pick them up or clean them up. It is hard work keeping up with all these kids. I often tell my Mommie these kids are just wearing me out! We also have an imagionary puppy dog at our house. It is a brown dog and I call her Apaintheia. Mommie and Daddy are wondering if I am part Greek as I come up with these "greek" sounding names. So far the puppy just hangs out and chills. My Mommie and Daddy laugh alot when I am talking to my "friends and the puppy"....I just do not understand why!