Sunday, October 22, 2006

Can I Go See Your Car???

I miss Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay when they go away on trips but they always bring me great treasures back from their adventures. From Germany they brought me a yodeling bear (yes, it really yodels!!!), a BERLIN t-shirt and a beautiful German doll. They brought me some really neat beach balls too. I named the yodeling bear-- YOYO. Mommy and Daddy make sure I take YOYO and Belly Belly (a singing bear that Uncle Jay won for me at Starfire Restaurant) with me when I go visit them. Uncle Jay loves to play with all my noisy toys!

I love going to Flo & Jay's house. My favorite things to do there are...slide down the stairs with Uncle Jay, play in their BIG tub (they have colored covers we put over the light), play in the fountain on the sun porch and go downstairs to the garage and visit the cars. I am fascinated with the concept of a garage (the car's have their own room). Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay love to play hide and seek with me (I always hide in the same places). I think I might wear them out. Uncle Jay some times lets me get in the shower with all my clothes on and put my Princess Umbrella over my head to keep me dry. That is sooo cool. Aunt Flo let me go downstairs and pretend to drive Uncle Jay's BMW. I am sure Uncle Jay will let me really drive it someday. I love my Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay!

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