January 31st 2006 was my real 4th birthday. I woke up in the middle of the night and threw up all over my room. I then went down the hall and threw up all over Mommy while she and Daddy were sleeping. By morning I was feeling much better so Mommy and Daddy let me still go see my Meme and Mel in Charleston. We met Meme and Mel in Scranton at the school house restaurant for lunch. We had cake and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me. I am having a birthday party for my friends next Saturday. When I got to Meme and Mel's we had another birthday cake. We had such a good time in Charleston. Meme helped me build a fort from blankets and chairs in her den. We (she and I) slept in sleeping bags on the floor for three days. We went out to the Airforce Base where I could ride my bike a few times. Meme says I am doing really good on my big girl bike. They also took me to the mall to play on the frogs. Meme and Mel gave me a pink and purple keyboard for my birthday. I love it and and I am enjoying learning to play it.
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