Thursday, May 10, 2007

Mothers Day Program

Today the perky puppies performed a Mothers Day program. They sang 3 songs for their Mom's. We were then invited to their room for muffins and juice as a special Mother's Day Treat. It was a very cute program. Gaga McLaughlin, Aunt Flo and Uncle Jay joined Mommy and Daddy in the audience for this program. We had parent teacher conferences with Mrs. Justice this week. Seems Mary Catherine is exelling in all academic areas. She knows her address, birthday, can count to 36, knows all of her colors, all of her shapes. can cut a straight line, knows all of her letters, and can spell her name. She is really doing well at All Saints. We have been very impressed with the school, the program there and the teachers. She will be attending full day 4K next year from 8am-2:15pm. They feel she is ready to move up to the Fast Cheeta class with Mrs. Bennoit who was teacher of the year this past year. Mary Catherine took swimming lessons at the YMCA this month. I wish I could say she did as well with Swimming as she did with school but she did not. She does not like to get her face wet. She didn't pass the pikes swimming class and is going to have to retake it this Summer. I worry that we are going to struggle with our swimming skills. We are going to try again in July to get this first class under our belt.

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