Sunday, September 25, 2005

Aunt Flo & Uncle Jay

Flo and Jay Vinson are my godparents and my parents good friends. They aren't my real Aunt & Uncle but, I love them just the same. Uncle Jay is a family court judge and Aunt Flo is an attorney. Uncle Jay likes to play fun games and stomp around the house with me. Aunt Flo likes to blow raspberries on my tummy. Tonight, I had a great time at their house. We ate supper and played in the fountain on their sun porch. I like to put my fingers in the water and plug up the holes so the water stops. They have a giant pool in their bathroom with colored lights. It has a waterfall faucet. Uncle Jay let me play in it. I made a picture for Aunt Flo with my finger paints. She said she would hang it next to their Blue Sky. Uncle Jay colored a picture of a red bird with me. It has red and blue stripe wings.

Uncle Jay and Aunt Flo always bring me neat presents from their travels. They brought me a little red riddinghood plate from France, a caddy bear from the masters, a music box from Russia, a hard rock t-shirt from Madrid, an armadillo from Texas and they brought me a cute little judge bear from the national judicial college in Lake Tahoe. My favorite gift from them has been my FLOBUNNY. If you know me, you know my FLOBUNNY. He is a floppy little off white bunny that I carry everywhere with me. I love him and sleep with him every night.

Aunt Flo & Uncle Jay are going to meet us in Florida for the first portion of our trip to Disney World in November. Uncle Jay is a Disney World Expert. He and I have been making plans about all of the things I want to see and do. I am especially looking forward to dancing with the princesses. Uncle Jay and Aunt Flo say we will get to go to Cinderella Castle and have lunch. I can not wait. Uncle Jay says I can wear a different princess dress each day we are there. Which one will I wear first....HUMMMM.

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