Saturday, September 03, 2005

My First Sleep Over

Tonight I had my first friend to come over and spend the night. Her name was Jayden Jackson(daughter of Jacqueline Elliott). Jayden and I have so much in common. She is only 6 months older than me. We both love princesses and ponies! Our Mommies shared a baby sitter the last two nights of the celebration- Miss Mallory. We love Mrs. Mallory. She is so much fun. She lets us do all kinds of great stuff. We kept her busy thou. We had so much fun watching princess movies and talking about the "ugly" step mothers and evil queens. We communicate with each other better than we communicate with other folks most of the time. After the horse show end of the first night Jayden's Mommie came and got her. I cried when she had to leave. When our Mommies got home from the horse show, we enjoyed putting on a show for them. We danced, sang, and said the pledge of allegiance. We also had our own horse show in the den on play horses. Jayden is in beauty pageants. She showed me how to do a pageant turn. The second night our Mommies agreed that Jayden could spend the night at Cedarhill. While our Mommies were at the horse show, we played very hard with Ariel the princess and watched the princess movies again. I tried to bargain with Jayden and trade her two of my old dolls for the mermaid doll filled with water. She was smarter than me and wouldn't go for the trade. When it was time to go to bed, we both said our prayers and crawled up in my twin bed. Jayden went right to sleep. Mommy had to sit with me for a while before I was able to sleep. The next morning we were going back to South Carolina. Jayden's mommy met us at the Hardees in Shelbyville. I was very sad to leave her. I can't wait to go back to Tennessee so we can play again!

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